To St Davids Cathedral

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Built on the site of St David’s own 6th century monasterythe Cathedral stands on a wind-swept peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic, in a  valley flanked by the ruins of the  Bishop’s Palace and surrounded by a walled close – a magnificent site representing  unparalleled medieval beauty, artistry and faith.

The AFSDC is a group of like-minded individuals spanning a variety of backgrounds and faiths. Some share a connection with St Davids through their Welsh ancestry, others find the Cathedral and its coastal location a place of outstanding natural beauty. Many strongly identify with the Cathedral’s millennia-long spiritual history evidenced by the enduring example of Saint David himself – Dewi Sant.

To some, this sacred precinct is known as a “Thin Place” where the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds are inexplicably fused.

In recent years the AFSDC have:

  • Supported the newly appointed Bishop of St Davids, Dorrien Davies
  • Participated in the Cathedral’s Millennium Appeal by contributing two new tower bells (see below)
  • Assisted in renovation of the Cloisters, improving visitor and pilgrim access
  • Funded the creation of an “American Pilgrimage Guide to St Davids” to promote assist parishes in visiting The Cathedral

Support our mission

Donate today to support our activities at St Davids Cathedral.